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The weekly gathering of the church (the people) is a time for celebrating our great God and what He is doing in our lives and world.
We do not see Sunday as the church, but rather a gathering of the church for the sake of celebration, equipping and worship.
This is a chance for us to worship corporately and sit under the authority of the word of God and be taught by it.
We recognize that many unbelievers, or people who have drifted far away from the Lord will be present with us on Sundays.
We want to welcome them and love them as Jesus would, however, the primary purpose of the gathering is not so much evangelism as it is building up the Body of Christ and joining together to glorify His name.
From our time together we will be sent out into the world encouraged and equipped to live for the Kingdom of God.
(Heb. 10:24-25, Matt. 10:7, 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 13:4).